Our large storeroom is stocked with a large selection of popular running, hiking, casual, and kids shoes. We offer a free personalized shoe fitting process to help your feet feel better at work, play, or sport.
Don't forget about our fitness accessories! We stock a variety of apparel, injury prevention tools, fueling supplies, watches, sunglasses, and more!
Our greatest resource is our staff and we hope that you take advantage of our knowledge and experience.

We will do whatever it takes to get you in the right shoe. If it doesn’t fit or work for you then bring it back and we will fit you again and make sure you are walking, running, working or playing better!
Our goal is to help people live a healthier, happier, more active life. We pursue this every single day in our store by helping you meet your comfort, cushion, and support needs.

The Shoe Fitting Process
Finding the right shoe can be a tricky process.
There are 26 bones, 33 joints, 112 ligaments, and a network of nerves, tendons, and blood vessels in your foot that work together when you walk, run, work, and play.
Typical ground impact on your body can be 1.5 to 3 times your body weight!
It is crucial to be in the right kind of shoes to make your walking, running, working, and play as comfortable and injury free as possible.
Consider the following before selecting a shoe:
What you are going to do in the shoe?
How often you are on your feet, or how many miles are planning on covering?
What terrain will you be on?
Are going for performance or comfort?
Do you have any previous injuries or conditions that need to be addressed?
3 Quick Steps
The fit process at GoGo is fun, free, and you don’t need to make an appointment to be fitted!
It involves three steps, usually takes about 20 minutes, and allows us to recommend a shoe category for you that matches your foot type and biomechanics.